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4 Sacrifices You Need To Make To Escape Poverty Forever


If you want to achieve something different, you have to do something different with your life. In today thread right here @ World forum App, I will discuss 4 Sacrifices you need to make to escape poverty forever

While is important that you do something different with your life and best something unique, being consistent is surely the key to success, so to beat poverty, below are 4 sacrifices you need to make, starting with

1: Takes Time To Read
Believe me, most of the rich people we have around us today were once born into poverty, sickness, and many other low vices that one can easily qualify them as poverty, but today most of them read their ways to the richness, so take time to read important business books on investment, financial and global economy, new opportunity, career. skillset, technology, etc

Book, book books, your life can change the very day you start to read books, not just reading for fun, but direct reading, reading with focus and target, reading important books that will impact your life positively

Read books and stories of other ordinary people that have achieved extraordinary things in life, people that have contributed and made an impact in our world today

When you read these types of books, you will discover what other people went through before becoming who they are today, this will envision in you that you can be anything you set your minds on if only you work in action

You could as well overcome every obstacle in your way and achieve greatness with your life, end poverty in your life and be a much blessing to yourself, family, friends, society, and others

When you read the right books this will also help you to start believing in yourself, and when you start believing in your self this will help you to went ahead to set bigger goals for yourself and develop the power to achieve such

Read books here, because you want to make money and ends poverty in your life, is best that you read books written by people who have also made a lot and lots of money, people who have contributed positively to the development of the world around us, then lean on them and model them also, the more and more you model them the best likely you too turn out to be one among them, a Millionaire or billionaire

2: Watch Videos That Tells Stories Of Successful people
Buy video course, video career course, buy audiobooks, watch important Youtube videos and channels, spend less time on SOCIAL Media and tv, yes social media and tv are fun, but if you truly want to escape poverty, you just have to stay away from them, is important, Bill Gates my mento reads one book every week, and I once learn that every millionaire that an average of them also reads at least one book monthly

And the good news is that most of these successful people are have an audiobook, video interview, video courses, and many other studies materials that you can easily key in to, learn and boost your morale

3: Don't Make Excuses:
Listen, friend, avoid making excuses, just get into work and make that happen, or you can come up with 100% reasons why you are where you are today and why you can't get up from where you are

If you are reading this from Africa Nigeria where I come from, you can also come up with excuses that the government in this part of the world is bad and best the reasons why life is very hard on you.

Excuses, yes you can choose to give excuses today, tomorrow next month end of the year, next year, you can continue to be giving excuses while remaining in poverty and never try to never make excuses but get the work done, look for something meaningful and get your life busy at that

We all have reasons to think how the government, the economy, and our parents are reasons to why we are poor but should refocus and see things from another angle, we can break such limits and be what we dream to be, in just but a matter of time

4 Sacrifices You Need To Make To Escape Poverty F.jpg

When you are thinking wrong, giving excuses, your mind will wire and start telling you how your health, your level of education, your country you are born into and this and that is the reason why you are poor

When you stop giving excuses, you will start seeing how much what you can do, you can start seeing things you can do and become successful

Excuses are one thing everyone can give, but if you want to escape poverty don't make excuses, identify something meaningful and start doing, start small, start focusing and doing what you have to do, and change your life

4: Trade All Your Failure for One success
If you can remember the quote ' It doesn't matter how many times you fail, just remember you only have to succeed once and that could be your turning point, so don't pay attention to the numbers of times you have failed, please don't for just a single success, a one time you success will outshine all your failure. #Believe

Inlife make sacrifices to try things, make sacrifices to get out from your comfort zones, make sacrifices to take the risk, and when you fail learn from your failures and be courageous to stand up

So let the most important words on this thread be SACRIFICE if you want to escape poverty, learn to sacrifice, and do the thing that you are not comfortable with, be consistent and give yourself just a few times, you will for sure escape poverty and become successful.

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wow.. have to start reading again

reading two book per week was among my new year goal, but have not been able to keep to it.. at least i will start again

OP Thanks for sharing