Africa Choice

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Building Online Business 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid


Starting and Building your business in the right direction is everything amazing once an online business is concerned. You need to start, not just start you need to get it right

While is possible and normal to make mistakes in business, in life, and in everything, here are The Building Online Business 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid. But first, you need to Join Africa Choice here for 100% free should you're yet to do so

These are 3 biggest marketing mistakes not just we alone Africa Choice made, Is a mistake most people in business startups made, both the successful and still striving businesses made one or two mistakes in their digital career part

You know if you have been following us AfricaChoice, you remember the project "Africa Choice" started as WorldForum, from there we moved to, then to each of these movements cost a huge amount of money in the dollar and all names were liseanse in LLC IN US

Yes, we got LLCs in the USA, because we want to target the world, but as a startup, we need to start from somewhere. along the way, seeing that the USA Market in this niche is not the best place for us to start first from, we moved to AfricaChoice and were very happy with it

Remember, all these moves cost us a huge amount of money in US Dollars, not just money, it also cost us time, about 2 years plus was put into it, and if am to say, it was all practical mistake, but highly welcome

So that takes us to our Number one building online business 3 mistakes you must avoid, are focusing on the US. Hope you are following up, do yourself good to read this post to the end and more importantly take action in fixing any of the mentioned mistakes part here

1. Focusing on the US instead of the world. Yes the US is the number one tier country around the world with a huge active market, in fact all business like Alibaba, Amazon, Google, etc have their top customers in the US Market

While that is normal, the US may be the largest economy but the real money is made by targeting the world, now back again to facts. If you look at most Fortune 500 companies you’ll notice that they have a global presence.

But one thing you need to know is that not all started from the USA, some did start from a smaller country, then added another country, and another before they were able to cover the world.

If your plan is taking your business around the world? then you need to get access to The World Email Leads Database Here and discover easy ways you can grow your business around the world by leveraging over 800 million global users' email list, starting with any country of your choice

Back to our topic "Building Online Business 3 Mistakes You Must Avoid"
Yes, when we started this project "Africa Choice" our target was to start from the USA, we did start from the USA and used to generate most of our revenue from the US customers, but international is what’s leading our growth and will make up the majority of our revenue by far in the long run.

Then it comes to us that, Africa can also be a great place to start targeting, with our low budget, we can start from Africa Nigeria and grow along before expanding to other Africa countries and the world

So we switched to Africa late last year 2023 but still yet, our web traffic coming from the US is cool, while is important you understand that the US still makes up less than 20 percent of the online traffic now. The majority of the world’s population doesn’t live in one country, not in the US, not in the UK alone, Good people live anywhere, in every country around the world

So depending on how high-quality products your business brand is and how you build trust, and authority in your niche, you can build your business starting from any country and grow around the world. So target the world but don’t go after too many countries at once… slow and steady wins the race irrespective of the country you choose to start off.

2. Building a personal brand… In one of my courses "Social Media Marketing Course With AI," I covered the importance and disadvantages of building a Personal brand into a business/company brand

Let's say, no matter how big your personal brand gets it’s hard to build a big company around it. My personal brand Mbonu Watson back then never drove more than $$$$ in annual revenue, not until we moved to the Business brand NL SOFT

Even larger personal brands like Kylie Jenner built a nice-sized business but it’s tiny in comparison to corporate brands like L’Oreal, I don't know if you are getting the point

Ideally, you want to do what Nike has done. Leverage personal brands to build a larger corporate brand. Just like they did with Jordan. Or how Legion Athletics generates $400,000 to $500,000 a month in revenue from leveraging hundreds of influencers, to how Jumia, Konga, as well Versus the founder’s brand all did and today, have a striving business/company brand making millions in weekly returns for them all

3. Not Focusing Enough Years On Marketing The Same Company. No matter how you try to understand it, there is no quick EARNINGS to this, business takes time to build

Sometimes it might take up to 4 years to start getting real traction, some sometimes it takes 6 to 10-plus years to build a business/corporate brand, that is to say, after 6 to 10 years of being consistent, you’ll start generating the majority of your sales and much more profits.

But first, you have to put in the hard work, the money, experience, the being consistent, the time, and the years, before thinking of making profits.

So don't make the mistake of putting making profits first as your top goal, as well as believing in a fast win-win business model IDEAS, you may get disappointed and give up if all your focus is on quick money, just focus on building the business, and growing customers and you and your business brand will be fine. Join Africa Choice here for 100% free

Also, remember to get the Whatsapp Bulk Sender Application here, one of the best Whatsapp marketing applications that helps you to send Whatsapp bulk messages to hundreds, thousands, and millions of active Whatsapp numbers in any part of the world. Stay on and keep learning Africa Choice cares. Read more post here
