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Discover 10 ChatGPT Prompts That Will Turn You Into A Superhuman



Here are 10 ChatGPT Prompts That Will Turn You Into A Superhuman And Help You Embrace The AI Era In An Improved Learning Environment

We all know that we are already in the AI Tech era, a promising time everyone reading this should embrace AI technology and see super tech possibilities things they can accomplish with AI. So right on this post thread, we are to reveal to you, 10 ChatGPT Prompts That Will Turn You Into A Superhuman. Starting with

1. Learn any new skill: You can skill up by leveraging the internet, with AI like ChatGPT, you can learn any new skill or improve on the skills you already have by asking (prompting) ChatGPT the right questions

Let's say, "you want to learn [insert desired skill], here not just the topic, but the name of the skill you want to learn and ask ChatGPT to create a 30-day learning plan that will help you as the beginner to learn and improve on this skill." Then watch the output, you will be glad once you can keep up with the 30 days learning journey

2. Use the 80/20 principle to learn faster: There are a host of things you can learn with AI and more importantly learn faster than humans tutoring and also more effective

Let's say, you want to learn about [insert topic], yes any topic of your choice. What you need to do is to pick the topic and ask ChatGPT to identify and share the most important 20% of learning from this topic that will help you understand 80% of it."

For example: I Want to learn about AI technology. So our topic here is (AI Technology) I will now ask ChatGPT to help me identify and share the most important 20% of learning AI technology that will help me understand 80% of it

You will be amazed by the result, this applies to any topic, just know how to prompt your question well and you will learn faster with AI in any given topic and skill

3. Improve your writing by getting feedback: Now figure out what you want to write on and [paste your writing] right on ChatGPT and ask ChapGPT to proofread it for your

Remember, these are already written articles by you or by your clients, and watch the super feedback output ChatGPT will give you

I know of professional proofreaders and writers who use just this method to proofread and deliver their finished projects. Leveraging ChatGPT or any other related AI writing model they like.

The steps are simple, take your already written article and ask ChatGPT to "Proofread my writing above, also ask ChatGPT to Fix grammar and spelling mistakes and make suggestions that will improve the clarity of my writing" as well as make it more engaging with humans readers.

4. Train ChatGPT to generate prompts for you: Apart from coming up with your idea prompts, you can also train ChatGPT to generate prompts for you, then you can use those prompts to extend your learning faster and more effectively

Let's say "You are an AI designed to help [insert profession]. Generate a list of the 10 best prompts for yourself. The prompts should be about [insert topic]." of your choice

5. Strengthen your learning by testing yourself: Remember learning is about interacting with your teacher, but in this case, ChatGPT AI is your instructor and you need to master easy ways you can use the right prompt (questions) to enhance your learning

Let's say "you are currently learning about [insert topic]. Ask ChatGPT a series of questions that will test your knowledge in that area, then identify knowledge gaps in your answers and ask ChatGPT to give you better answers to fill those gaps." WOW. These are smart ways to learn any topic, skill, etc in today's AI tech world

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6. Summarize long documents and articles: These are hot niche gigs people like you are already making cool cash from

What they do is collect long documents and articles and use ChatGPT to summarize them in minutes. When you enter the document or article into ChatGPT it will "Summarize the text below and give you a list of bullet points with key insights and the most important facts." [insert text] are well summarized

7. Learn any complex topic in only a few minutes: Is there any topic you are finding hard to learn and master? ChatGPT is the ideal place where you can figure it out with ease and faster

Just head to ChatGPT and "Explain [insert topic] in simple and easy terms that any beginner can understand." and go through the results

8. Generate new ideas. Are you lacking an idea in your business or niche, then use ChatGPT to generate amazing new ideas

Let's say "I want to [insert task or goal]. Generate [insert desired outcome] for [insert task or goal]." yes you can easily achieve these using ChatGPT with the right prompt questions

9. Ask ChatGPT to help you become better at using ChatGPT: Yes you can as well ask ChatGPT to help you become better at using it and see the well-guided results you will get

Let's say you ask ChatGPT to "Create a beginner's guide to using ChatGPT, lol. Topics should include prompts, priming, and personas. Include examples. The guide should be no longer than 500 words." and you will be so amazing on the output

10. Turn ChatGPT into your intern: WOW this is super great, you can turn ChatGPT into your intern, is easy, is simple and the result is amazing

"I am creating a report about [insert topic], also research and create an in-depth report with a step-by-step guide that will help readers understand how to [insert outcome]." that is what we mean by turning ChatGPT into your intern

Hope you enjoyed this post thread "Discover 10 ChatGPT Prompts That Will Turn You Into A Superhuman" and you want to learn more about AI. Check out the post thread under AI Technology here and stay on
