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President Joe Biden's Physician Dr. Kevin Released Important Facts On Biden's Health

President Joe Biden's Physician Dr. Kevin Released Important Facts On Biden's Health

For those who missed the update last night, President Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, released a statement/letter around 10 p.m. in Washington, D.C. United States Of America affirming that the President has no conditions that would render him unfit for presidential duties. Join Africa Choice Here

Dr. O'Connor referenced his last evaluation of President Biden from February, which described him as a vigorous 81-year-old male with no major health issues, implicitly saying that the last evaluation still stands even to date.

He then addressed Dr. Kevin Cannard's frequent visits to the White House, a top neurologist with over a decade of experience treating various patients there.

He insisted that Dr. Cannard's recent neurological assessment of President Biden revealed no signs of dementia or other conditions that would impair his capacity to fulfill presidential duties.

Dr. O'Connor's letter stated, "An extremely detailed neurologic exam was again reassuring in that there were no findings which would be consistent with any cerebellar or other central neurological disorders, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, or ascending lateral sclerosis, nor are there any signs of cervical myelopathy."

Importantly, while the letter doesn't explicitly mention dementia, it clarifies that there were no findings consistent with any central neurological disorders, which include Alzheimer's disease, among others.

In essence, the letter confirms that President Biden does not have dementia, Parkinson's, or any neurological condition that would prevent him from performing his presidential duties at 81 and that people should not read too much into frequent visits by the neurologist.

It implicitly assures that there is no need to consider invoking the 25th Amendment due to any incapacity, as some have suggested. Sign up to AfricaChoice here for more incentives

So what the letter did was to say that despite speculation and media headlines about the reasons behind Dr. Cannard's visits, especially following the disastrous debate by President Biden last month, Dr. O'Connor's communication clearly states that President Biden is both fit and capable of continuing his role.

You may agree or disagree, but it's not my job to speculate. I'm just saying what the doctor said last night, both explicitly and implicitly. Check out the Africa Choice Marketplace Here, Get access to Digital products and none digital products and stay on

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