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SEO Ranking In AI Age


Hope you read the headline I want to inform you that after Google 2023 helpful content updates were made as the tech industry went fully into the AI Era in the year 2023

Content till now remains everything great (Contents Is The King) and remember to Join Africa Choice Digital Marketing Forum & Marketplace


SEO Ranking In AI Age Is Not About The Numbers Of Contents

Not the numbers of content you publish, not how long your content is, but how helpful your content is remains everything great in today's AI era and tech industries

How helpful and updated your content is matters most and that should be your core goal when it comes to publishing content across your website or blog

Failure to understand this may hurt your site sabotage your SEO Ranking, and lower your income as I take you on the SEO Mastery Course With AI.

Get ready to grab the complete step-by-step video course now and discover what is working today and how best you can boost your website ranking and content search results across SERPs, then pave your site ranking to the top focusing on what matters most

So back to our thread topic for the day if you have been following me, last year 2023, Google the directory search giant made a core update titled (Helpful Contents Updates) and this update affected and still affects a lot of businesses that went against their core policies

Google has said, that any content not just unhelpful content, on sites determined to have relatively high amounts of unhelpful overall is less likely to perform well in search results, now let say

Assuming you have a website or blog and there are other contents elsewhere from other people's websites or blogs that better display helpful content in the topic and categories you are. This site will outrank you by far

To rank, you need to start publishing helpful content or best revisit all your already published content, find out the unhelpful content, and fix it, by so doing, could help your website or blog start ranking again and bringing you high-quality content

This also applies to the need why you need to search for old outdated and now unhelpful content across your website and blog and do the needful by updating them, and see how they will start ranking

Not just that, Google also requires that you search content across your platform that is performing low, content that is bringing your low quality and start removing them while focusing and updating content that is already ranking appreciating on the SERPs

Google is not just looking at the good stuff anymore, they are now clear and more focused on what is helpful and these are the contents they are more interested in showing to searchers' results

So let's simply put it in a language you and everyone will understand better! Google is saying any low-traffic, posts, pages, outdated info, outdated video, text, files, or weaker content in your website or blog may hurt the overall of your platform rankings

So is best for you and your platform to update the outdated content with focused goals on publishing helpful content the good news is that pruning your website or blog content can boost your SEO quickly and, in some cases help you rank across the SERPS faster when you keep improving your core web vitals

So your goal from now on is to return to your website or blog and start identifying the performing posts, pages, and contents in general including videos and podcasts if you have such on your platform

Do the needful BY (updating) all outdated content and trying to make such content more human-focused and helpful to searchers

Once you can do the following, sit and watch in a few days or weeks, sometimes it may take months and you will start seeing how your website or blog ranking will skyrocket back again on SERP top pages and bring your much-needed returns. Sign up to Africa Choice here for more incentives. Stay on


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