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Harnie Gold

Every living thing is designed to grow, but not every living thing grows.

As humans, we do not limit the subject of growth only to physical growth, that is, height. But, we look at growth also from increase in wisdom, wealth, actualization of potential, utilisation of skills and opportunities and also but not limited to our ability to handle and over challenges.

As much most people desire to grow, not all grow as much as the want to grow in reality because they have not dealth with some factors that inhibits or restrain growth.

In this post, I will share with you some of the factors that stop people and businesses from growing.

Let's take the plant onion as an instance, onion can only grow in a surphur rich soil. If you plant it on a loamy soil without surphur, it will not produce and it is the surphur in onion that makes tears come out of our eyes whenever we slice it. Ninety nine percent of the time, we find out that our environment shape our choices, accent and even our behaviour. We reflect our environment and our environment reflect itself in us.
The right environment produces the right results. If we must grow, we must consciously distance ourselves mentally, emotional and psychological from negative environments. It is posible to be a non smoker in an environment dominate with chain smokers. Just the same way someone can be physically present in a class but mentally absent, we can grow by not allowing our environment discourage or deter us. You don't have to stop growing because your friends are no longer doing so or because everyone around you isn't. You can be the shining star in a dark cloud if only you will dare to grow. If your environment can hinder your growth, you must practice mental and physical distancing.

Mental laziness:
The problem with most people is not physical laziness (ie strength to do hard labour) but mental laziness. What is mental laziness? Mental laziness is when someone lacks the mental strength to put the mind to work in other to find a way to better his life and that of the society. Several people do not create time to think about ways to solve their problems or challenges and overcoming challenges and problems are part of the growth process. No one grows without challenges. Every great man or woman on earth are great and creative thinkers. Our minds are important. Our minds are the soil where every idea must grow and become beautiful. An idea maybe beautiful but if the mind is infertile, the idea dies. Anyone can think but anyone who must grow, must think creatively because only when we think of creative ways to overcome our challenges or better our situations will we grow.There is always a way out if you will only overcome mental laziness and put your mind to work.

Challenges can make or mar and no one is without them. Both the rich and poor even the great and small all face challenges. When obstacles come, we can decide to stop or keep going. Challenges can not stagnate us only our decisions can. When a seed is planted, if it remains under the earth above it and does not grow, we know it is dead and unfruitful. Like a seed, we must fight to breakthrough the earth above us and that is growth. Growth is not the absence of challenges but victory over it.
There are challenges, yes, but we must overcome to grow.

Poor management:
Whatever must grow must be properly managed. Many businesses and ideas have remained stagnate not because of financial constraints or challenges but because of poor management. Any endeavour that must grow and achieve it's potential must be properly managed. Know how to incorporate the right elements and discard the wrong ones. Be committed in making sure it works. No system can run itself. Ensure that you give it your time, finances, skills and whatever it requires from you and you will ripe your harvest which is growth and growth comes with it's rewards.