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USA Election President Biden And Trump Debate Tragedy


Talk about the Thursday night's debate between Biden and Trump that was a tragedy for President Biden and a loss for the American people. It was an empty debate with no inspiration and no concrete answers either, a disservice to the American people as millions of people watch over the world.

I guess many people were dumber after the debate than before it that dumber started to trend on Twitter X, just a few minutes after the debate and if we are to go with the outcomes, nothing interesting would make you vote for either candidate based on what they said during the debate.

The loser was a mess and proved he was not in charge and could not run the most powerful country in the next four years, while the winner only appeared brilliant because the opponent was a complete mess.

There was nothing new under the sun that anyone I talked to gained from that debate. It was a complete disgrace for a country "USA" with a vibrant population and some of its most brilliant people on earth. Yes, debates are generally meaningless as they have become showmanship lately.

They are about words, and words, are mostly meaningless, as people can say anything to win an election, woo a girl, or get a contract, such is part of people. That's why children and pets often identify fraudsters and con artists when they visit, even when they sound great and use sweet words.

Children can always see through the mask, the facade, beyond the words. Also, a wicked person can say great things and a deaf individual can be kinder. The person who can articulate their ideas better can have no soul, and the person who may not can have a heart for people.

It's just like a relationship. One guy shows up and tells you all the sweet words earth you want to hear. The other is not a good communicator. So you pick the first guy, only to discover that he is saying the same thing to others, is dishonest, untrustworthy, a liar, selfish, and even wicked.

The other guy who was not a great communicator could actually have had your back, been there for you, and taken care of you when needed, but you were deceived by sweet words that meant nothing.

Politicians should therefore be judged not by their words, not by their promises, not by this last night debate between Biden and Trump but by their actions, their policies, their kindness to people, and their respect for the law and the constitution as well as the country.

Their past actions, not their words, should be what we focus more on for the love of humanity, the country, and the world at large. Click Here To Join Africa Choice for free
