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Your Life Is Never Over As Long As You Are Alive. Never Give Up On Yourself



Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, the reality remains that people are often fooled by others, including the innocent masses being fooled by corrupt government officials across the world and it can be embarrassing or challenging at times

Most disappointing when this continues to repeat itself, some people are more gullible than others, but it's not always easy to spot a liar at first, so when people fool you once, shame on them. But when they fool you twice and more, shame on you

No one is greater than another, in eyes of our creator and nature we are all equal, our ancestors knew everything we know today, and most of the things that happen in our time today may have possibly happened severally over time in the past

The people who live long before our generation today knew that human nature has not changed. A cheat today is a cheat tomorrow, a liar today is a liar tomorrow

A business partner trying to steal your business idea today will try it again tomorrow, that person that keeps looking down on you today for no obvious reason may still look down on you tomorrow, That is human nature for you

When most of the thing ill things happen to you, the first time, it's not your fault, it's your good heart, it may be you being humane, but the second time it's your fault. Your misguided belief that human nature does not apply to you, that you can change people, that what happens to others will not happen to you.

Our ancestors observed human nature for five million years or more, long before us today, and advances in technology have not changed human nature. So learn to love yourself, learn to understand human nature, no matter what you're going through, don't give up, never for any reason give up on yourself

No matter how life may be, how hard things are, please don't give up on yourself, keep working, one day you will be living the life you have been praying for, Your Dream Life. The sky may be cloudy, the down may be stormy, saturated, dangerous, loneliness and hopeless, but never give up on yourself

Life may be all around you, your friends may be long gone, and your bank account may be fully empty, but always know that your book has many chapters, life is in phases and this is only one of them.

Your Life Is Never Over As Long As You Are Alive. Never Give Up On Yourself

Your life is not over. As long as you're alive, miracles and surprises always happen. So don't kill yourself, don't end your life, happiness and miracles and success may be just around the corner, keep the faith alive

So hold on! Hold on! Keep Holding on just one more hour, just one more day, just one more week, just one more month, be active, and don't give up! Don't and never give up on yourself

Imagine you would like to go into business with one person out of two choices. One talks smoothly with colorful words, with lots of hopes, adjectives, and adverbs. They wear a great suit or business outfit and inspire confidence with their calm or laughter. Their outward appearance is just picture and business-like perfect.

The other person does not have all the great words, quotes, and funny jokes, they are not very articulate, and may not even have that colorful tie and business suit. Who will you go into business with? Of course the first one, yes that is who most people will choose

We, humans, are the same. Most of our choices are based on appearances, how people sound, what they look like, what they say, how they make us feel. Then when we make our choice, we justify it, we praise the person we picked, and we explain why we picked them and not the other one.

We even ridicule the second person, how they sounded, how they dressed poorly, and how they are ignorant and do not know much about the business this or that

We may not say it out loud or we may say it to our friends, family, and business associates. However, as days, weeks, months, and even years go by, we begin to realize that the first person we picked, the person who sounded amazing, is also extremely dishonest

He or she can easily stab us in the back, is not loyal, not trustworthy, not truthful, not a good partner, and even wants to steal our idea, our business, our money, our wealth, our time, and resources.

We begin to try to get rid of them. Sometimes, it's too late because the contract has been signed and the second partner is long gone available. It hurt you know, most of these things do happens, in business. relationship, family and more, people we kind of trust can end up disappointing us

So it's important that we learn, when we make choices, in any area, we should take a long look, to check and balance, when you go into business with others, or you are in a relationship, in your into education, from time to time, in one month, months, one year, ten years, and 20 years, 50 years and so forth, always check and balance

We should look beyond the blustering, the masks people put on to deceive us and appear great, is not everything someone said to you yesterday, that you will take today

We should go for honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, efficiency, loyalty, and all other things that we will need down the line, and more importantly, we should always be open to learning, as learning is one of the greatest investments we can gift yourself

Lastly, please learn to know the truth and work with it, one truth remains that human beings all wear a mask, and going beyond that mask allows us to make better choices, LEARN TO ALWAYS INVEST IN YOUR SELF, Learn to love yourself, your family and humanity, for your life are never over as long as you are still alive. Please Never Give Up On Yourself.

My Name Is Mbonu Watson C, Moderator Worldforumlive. with cheers of love. Click Here To Join Worldforumlive all for 100% FREE