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I Never Said Cristiano Ronaldo Is Not Even Top 10 Greatest (Mikel Obi)

Mikel Obi, the Nigeria former professional Football legend who played as a defensive midfielder wrote a disclaimer "I Never Said Cristiano Ronaldo Is Not Even Top 10 Greatest In Premier League"

In Mikel Obi's voice!

We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by this statement. We would like to clarify that, John Mikel Obi did not make the statement claiming that "Cristiano Ronaldo is not even the top 10 greatest in Premier League history."

And don't know where such a statement and credit to my person is coming from. This statement is completely false and should be regarded as fake news and false pieces to my person

We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and show utmost respect to Cristiano Ronaldo as a true icon in the world of football.

Ronaldo's achievements and contributions to the sport, both in the Premier League and beyond, are unparalleled. His exceptional skills, numerous records, and numerous individual and team accolades have solidified his status as one of the greatest football players of all time.

We believe in the importance of accurate information and responsible journalism. It is crucial to verify the credibility of sources before accepting any statements as true. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and encourage everyone to rely on trusted sources for reliable information about the world of sports.

I-Never-Said-Cristiano-Ronaldo-Is-Not-Even Top 10-Greatest-Mikel-Obi.png

Descargo de responsabilidad: Nos disculpamos sinceramente por cualquier confusión causada por esta declaración. Nos gustaría aclarar que John Mikel Obi no hizo la declaración afirmando que "Cristiano Ronaldo ni siquiera está entre los 10 mejores de la historia de la Premier League". Esta afirmación es completamente falsa y debería considerarse una noticia falsa.

Nos gustaría aprovechar esta oportunidad para reconocer y mostrar el máximo respeto a Cristiano Ronaldo como un verdadero ícono en el mundo del fútbol. Los logros y contribuciones de Ronaldo al deporte, tanto en la Premier League como fuera de ella, no tienen paralelo. Sus habilidades excepcionales, numerosos récords y numerosos elogios individuales y de equipo han solidificado su estatus como uno de los mejores jugadores de fútbol de todos los tiempos.

Creemos en la importancia de la información veraz y el periodismo responsable. Es fundamental verificar la credibilidad de las fuentes antes de aceptar cualquier afirmación como verdadera. Pedimos disculpas por cualquier inconveniente causado y alentamos a todos a confiar en fuentes confiables para obtener información con

This statement and disclaimer were issued by John Mikel Obi, so should you come in contact with any publication stating that Mike said "Cristiano Ronaldo Is Not Even Top 10 Greatest In Premier League" you should disregard such as false pieces and fake news. Sign up to Africa Choice here for more incentive