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Transgender Inmate Gets 7 More Years After Raping Woman In Jail

Harnie Gold


Ramel Blount, a 33 year old transgender who goes by the name Diamond Blount have pleaded guilty to attempted rape April 7 in an apparent plea deal.

Ramel, a Rikers inmate was reported to have raped a female prisoner while in the women’s section of the jail and have been sentenced to seven years imprisonment, officials said Monday.

According to Investigators, Ramel — who was housed in the female section of the facility — approached a 33-year-old female inmate in the bathroom at the Rose M. Singer center Feb. 8, 2021, after the victim had just finished showering.

According to authourities, Blount allegedly raped the victim while holding her down by the back of her neck.

After the incident, the victim reported to police authourities and a rape kit was given to her and the DNA sample collected, matched Blount’s DNA in the New York State Registry.

In a statement, Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark said, “Sexual aggression against anyone is abhorrent.”

A seven year sentence was handed to Blount in jail and eight years of post-release supervision and he was also ordered to register as a sex offender, and an order of protection was imposed.

According to Prime Business, Rikers Island is a 413.17-acre island in the East River between Queens and the Bronx that contains New York City’s main jail complex. Named after Abraham Rycken, who took possession of the island in 1664, the island was originally under 100 acres in size, but has since grown to more than 400 acres.


Active member
What is our world coming to? We hear about violence everyday. Its in our jails, homes, the workplace, and even our schools. If more people would stay home at night instead of roaming our streets and causing harm, as well as sneak attacks, our cities would be safer, dream on...that will never happen. This is what I have done, I made a "Worry List" put everything on paper that we all worry about till I reached the end of the paper. I checked everything on the list 2 × . I went back up on the Header of the list, crossed off worry and wrote Prayer. "My Prayer List". We all need to pray for everyone, especially our inmates.

Harnie Gold

What is our world coming to? We hear about violence everyday. Its in our jails, homes, the workplace, and even our schools. If more people would stay home at night instead of roaming our streets and causing harm, as well as sneak attacks, our cities would be safer, dream on...that will never happen. This is what I have done, I made a "Worry List" put everything on paper that we all worry about till I reached the end of the paper. I checked everything on the list 2 × . I went back up on the Header of the list, crossed off worry and wrote Prayer. "My Prayer List". We all need to pray for everyone, especially our inmates.
Yes, Mrwil65, we really need to pray for the world but especially, for our leaders who make some terrible decisions that affect innocent citizens.

Harnie Gold

I am too. I believe the best we can do is to try our best to show the teenagers and youth around us the best way to follow in words and actions and pray to the Almighty God to help us all.