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What is BlaBla car: Their Workflow and Funding Timeline


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Technology adaptation and the reach of internet access to the public have made businesses adapt to digitalization.

Businesses have now adapted to the most recent technology and market demand. People now prefer quick solutions to their needs to adapt to this fast-paced world.

In this blog, let's have a look at what is BlaBla car, its funding timeline, and workflow.

BlaBla car:​

To get a clear picture of the BlaBla business, we have to time-travel to the past to where it all began.

BlaBla car is a Europe-based Taxi booking app that provides a platform for drivers and riders to connect. However, the company does not own any vehicles; instead, it offers an app that connects drivers and riders.

Blabla cars earn between 18% and 21% commission on every booking made through the platform.

The company was founded in 2006 by three founders named Francis Nappez, Nicolas Brusson, and Nicolas Deroche.

The platform has 100 million users, with 25 million active users each quarter.

Funding Timeline:​

In 2009, the founders raised funding of $600000 through their friends and families.

Following investor recognition, they raised over $1.20 million from ISAI in 2010.

After two years, they received $7.2 million from Accel Partners, ISAI, and Cabiedes to expand their presence in the European market.

In 2014 = $100 million was raised from Index ventures.

In 2015 = Raised $200 million from Insight venture partner with a valuation of $1.6 billion.

In April 2021 = $115 million.

Yep, tired of Timelines. Now, let's get into the workings.


The workflow of the apps becomes efficient as they provide an app-based platform for drivers and riders.

This hassle-free environment gives the users the satisfaction of easy booking over the traditional service.

Step 1: To enter the location detail with a date.

Step 2: Riders can have easy access to driver profiles and has the option to check their review.

Step 3: Once the booking is accepted by the driver, the rider receives a notification of the driver's contact details.

Step 4: At last, the payment process is done either from a cash or the app.

BlaBla clone​

So, how to build a BlaBla clone for your Taxi Booking business.

Don't have any hint of the word BlaBla clone?

It is a replica of the BlaBla app, in which the features and functionality were the same.

It is for entrepreneurs who need to convert their traditional business to an app-based platform, Sureshot is the best solution.

Some of the benefits of the BlaBla clone app:
  • 100% customization
  • Quick launch
  • 100% source code

Final words​

At last, we come to the final part. I hope that you enlightened yourself on BlaBla cars with me. And I have other stuff to discuss. As I mentioned previously, the Blabla clone is for an entrepreneur seeking complete customization and a quick launch.

If you need any assistance in developing a Taxi booking platform, consider this link. We help you achieve your Business dreams.

See you all in the next blog.


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